Variables to be imported from the outside environment are specified in the use clause of the closure function definition. 从外部环境中导入的变量是在闭包函数定义的use子句中指定的。
In case you have not set the DB2DBDFT environment variable, all Net Search Extender administrative tasks require the connect to clause, where is the name of your database. 如果还没有设置DB2DBDFT环境变量,那么所有NetSearchExtender管理任务都需要connectto子句,其中的是数据库的名称。
In order to promote the sustainable development of the environment, this article should be perfected; therefore, the clause of criminal liabilities should be added. 为促进环境的可持续发展,建议对该条予以修改和完善,增加危险犯条款。
The paper discussed the management from engineering arrangement, funds usage, environment etc. by FIDIC clause. 对公路企业在当前市场中,为求得施工任务而低价中标后,从工程安排、资金使用、生产环境、发展方向几个方面的管理行为进行了探讨。
Chapter II is from the point of view of international law. It states the trade-related international environment convention and WTO, especially the Environmental Exclusion Clause in the GATT. 第二章从国际法的角度,论述了与贸易有关的国际环境协定和WTO的相关规定,主要是通过相关案例分析了WTO环境例外规则的主客观要件。